Add Batch Filling PDFs to Instafill

Hi Instafill Team,

I have a question regarding batch filling PDFs. I need to fill out a single PDF form multiple times, each time with different information. For example, I might need to generate several versions of the same form with different account numbers and customer IDs.

Can Instafill help me with this? If so, how does the process work?

Thanks for your assistance!


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Hello Glen,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. We are working on a feature that allows batch filling of PDF forms with different sets of information. You can upload a CSV file as the source of the information for multiple fields and then generate several versions of the form.

We are currently in the feature’s development phase, but it will be available soon. I expect it to be ready either this week or early next.

If you have any sample CSV files or specific requirements, please send them to [email protected] so we can analyze them and ensure the feature meets your needs.

Let me also notify you once it’s publicly available for all users.



That’s awesome, thank you! Just send the details to [email protected]

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Hi Jacob,

Great news! The batch filling feature you requested is now available on You can start using the beta version of it right away.

Batch Fill automatically recognizes the values in the selected table and then assigns the column names to the form fields. After the fill process has started, our AI will go through line by line and write the cell value into the form. Each row in your CSV file will generate a separate filled PDF, streamlining the process of completing numerous forms, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Here are some specifics about how Batch Fill works:

  • File Size: We can handle files up to 2MB. This is enough for most use cases - it’s roughly equivalent to a 100-page text document or a spreadsheet with about 10,000 to 20,000 rows of text data.

  • Max Rows and Columns: Our system can process up to 1000 rows and 20 columns. This means you could fill out separate forms for every employee in a large corporation, or handle a year’s worth of daily data entries. The 20-column limit should cover most complex forms, but if you need more, let us know and we can see what we can do.

  • Supported File Types: supports several common file formats:
    • Comma-Separated Values (.csv): A simple, universal format that works with most spreadsheet programs.
    • Excel files (.xls and .xlsx): Both older and newer versions of Excel are fine.
    • Tab-Separated Values (.tsv): Similar to CSV, but uses tabs instead of commas.
    These formats cover the most widely used spreadsheet types, ensuring compatibility with various data sources and software.

  • Processing Time: Filling 100 rows takes about 2 minutes, compared to 2-3 or even more hours manually.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using Batch Fill:

  • Column Names: We currently only support column names in English and match with the field names in your PDF form so our AI can match them properly. The actual data can be in any language, but the headers in your spreadsheet need to be in English (like “First Name”, “Address”, etc.). If your column names are in another language or don’t match the PDF form fields, you’ll need to translate or adjust them before uploading.

  • Google Sheets: We don’t support Google Sheets directly at the moment. However, you can easily export your Google Sheet to a CSV file and upload that to our system. Here’s how:
    • Open your Google Sheet.
    • Click on File > Download > Comma-separated values (.csv).
    • Upload this CSV file to our system.
    This method works well and still saves you considerable time compared to manual entry. We’re considering direct Google Sheets integration for future updates.

For a detailed walkthrough we’ve created a short video that explains the entire process step by step. You can watch it here:

Let us know what you think about the feature and please share your feedback at [email protected]