Sign PDF Documents Request

Hello Instafill Team,

I have a feature request regarding PDF functionality. I frequently need to sign PDF documents electronically and would love to see an option in Instafill that allows users to add signatures directly to their PDF forms.

Is this something that could be implemented? It would be incredibly useful for both personal and business documents.

Thank you for considering my request!


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Hello Maria,

Thank you for your question and for being a part of our community. I’m happy to let you know that our team is already working on this functionality. Soon, you’ll be able to add electronic signatures directly to your PDF forms using Instafill.

We are in the final stages of development and testing, and we aim to roll out this feature soon. I expect it to be ready by the end of this week or early next. I will keep you updated on our progress and let you know as soon as it’s available.


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Amazing, thank you! :heart: