When to submit Form SSA-44?

Hey everyone,

I’ve had a pretty big drop in my income recently and I’ve been looking into whether this might affect my Medicare premiums. I found out about Form SSA-44, which you use to report life-changing events, but I’m a bit unsure about the timing.

Should I submit Form SSA-44 right after my income changes, or can it wait until the annual enrollment period? Does the timing of when I submit it make a big difference in how my Medicare premiums get adjusted? Thank you

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I went through a similar situation last year. You should submit Form SSA-44 as soon as your income changes due to a life event like retirement, marriage, or the death of a spouse. Waiting can mean you keep paying higher premiums based on your old income, which isn’t ideal. When I submitted mine right after retiring, my premiums adjusted pretty quickly, and I even got a refund for the overpaid amount from previous months. The SSA backdates the changes, so acting fast can save you money right away. Make sure you have all the necessary documents ready to support your claim, like tax returns or pay stubs.

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In short, don’t wait to submit your SSA-44. And yes, Instafill made the process easier for me.

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